The following is a summary of the 67 entries in the 2018 competition (click on images for larger photos).
All designs are copyrighted and are the
intellectual property of the designer. All rights are reserved.
Auzzle A2
Designer: Ilya V Osipov
Goal: Collect all the magnets drawn to each other along the equator. Materials: Wood, plastic
Classification: SEQ-GRP
Purchase: Contact the designer by
or Facebook.
A few pieces produced; $100. |
Bermuda Rhombus
Designer: Vladimir Krasnoukhov
Goal: To pack all 10 elements (including the little rhombus) inside the frame. Materials: Acrylic, plastic
Classification: [1.1] 2Dimensional assembly / Paradox
Purchase: Contact the designer by . |
Box with Two Balls
Designer: Christoph Lohe
Goal: Remove the two balls from the box, and get them back to the starting position. Materials: Bolivian rosewood, yellowheart, padauk, wenge, acrylic
Classification: Interlocking, gravitational maze, dexterity
Purchase: Available in 2019 at IPP version available at WoodWonders. |
Designer: Volker Latussek
Goal: Pack six discs into the box. Materials: Dark oak and light false acacia
Classification: Disentanglement
Purchase: Available at, starting October 2018. |
Chocolate Box
Designer: George Bell
Goal: Pack the six pieces into the box and close the lid. Materials: Wood (box), 3D-printed nylon (pieces)
Classification: 3D Assembly
Designer: Yael Meron
Goal: Put all parts inside the frame. Materials: Plastic and brass
Classification: [1.2] 3-Dimensional assembly
Cube Wrapper
Designer: Iwahiro (Hirokazu Iwasawa)
Goal: Wrap the cube steadily with the fabric bag so that all the faces of the cube are completely covered. Materials: Fabric and wooden cube
Classification: (Slocum 1.3) Miscellaneous put-together
Designer: Volker Latussek
Goal: Find the two arrangements to form four dark cubes on the table. Materials: Jacaranda and maple
Classification: Disentanglement
Notes: The arrangements are perfectly stable without outside support. Purchase: Available at, the blue challenge of the puzzle called Touch me. |
Designer: Roy Leban
Goal: Find the hidden message. Materials: Acrylic
Classification: PAT-DISS
Double Checkered
Designer: Guy Loel
- Pick six pieces out of the seven pieces and assemble a 3x3 checkered cube with black corners.
- Pick six pieces out of the seven pieces and assemble a 3x3 checkered cube with white corners.
- Pack all seven pieces into the box.
- Use all seven pieces to make a 3x3x4 tower with a hole through the middle.
Materials: Wood
Classification: 1.2 3-Dimensional assembly
Notes: All goals have a unique solution.
Purchase: Contact the designer by
. |
Double Tumbler
Designer: Jon Keegan
Goal: Release the cap from the housing. Materials: Aluminum, bearings
Classification: Take-apart
Purchase: Contact the designer by . |
Duck Pack Puzzle
Designer: Stuart Gee
Goal: Pack all five ducks and the egg inside the box so they all sit flat on the bottom of the box Materials: Jarra, Tasmanian oak
Classification: 3D packing
Purchase: Contact the designer by . |
5L Box
Designer: Hajime Katsumoto
Goal: Put five identical pieces in the box and close its lid completely. Materials: Wood,MDF, acrylic
Classification: 3D assembly
Notes: There are two blocking cubes inside the box, including one attached to the inside of the sldiing lid. Purchase: Available ONLY in Japan at PUZZLE of MINE * WEB-SHOP.
But the timing of sale is undecided. |
4-Directional Trapsticks
Designer: John and Jane Kostick
Goal: Surround a rhombic dodecahedron with the nine pieces. Materials: Wood (beech and bubinga)
Classification: Interlocking
Purchase: Order from
or by . |
Free Me 6
Designer: Joe Turner
Goal: Free the coin from the puzzle. Materials: Wood, metal rods/springs/nails, steel balls, coin
Classification: Take-apart
Purchase: Contact the designer by for details. |
Fric Cube
Designer: Chirag Mehta
- Disassemble the cube into the four identical pieces. No physical strength is required; with the correct movement the pieces should fall apart.
- Once the pieces have fallen apart, reassemble the cube.
Materials: 3D-printed nylon, wire
Classification: Slocum 2.1 & 6.4
Purchase: Contact the designer by . |
Garland Puzzle
Designer: Alexander E Holroyd
Goal: Arrange all 30 pieces in a circular ring. Adjacent pieces must interlock (but may have small gaps where two sockets line up with each other). Materials: Acrylic
Classification: Slocum 1.1
Purchase: Contact the designer by or at Anteater Toys.
Limited quantity available, US$40. |
Gear and Wrenches
Designer: Andrei Ivanov
Goal: Take apart and put together. Materials: Stainless steel
Classification: Disentanglement
Purchase: Available at Metallofactura. |
Designer: Ilan Garibi
Goal: 18 wood tiles are connected with paper hinges, each at a certain length. The objective is to stack all tiles one on top of the other, so no hinge is loose or stretched. Materials: Wood and Tyvek
Classification: Folding
Designer: Diniar Namdarian
Goal: Take the pieces apart and put them back together Materials: PLA
Classification: 2.1 Slocum
Purchase: Contact the designer by .
Will cost 15 euros. |
Happy Ending!
Designer: Frederic Boucher
Goal: Assemble the four pieces in a "happy ending" way. Materials: Wood
Classification: Put-together
Hide the Gold
Designer: George Sicherman
Goal: Arrange the pieces so that the gold (light) parts are surrounded by the red (dark) parts. Materials: Redheart and yellowheart.
Classification: Slocum 1.2 : 3-Dimensional Assembly
Designer: Stephan Baumegger
Goal: Find the fire hose. Materials: Various woods, metal (screws, spring, magnets)
Classification: Slocum 2.1
Purchase: Contact the designer by or Facebook. |
IQ Lolly
Designer: Patrick Chan
Goal: Arrange scrambled blocks into sequential order. Materials: PLA
Classification: Sliding pieces
Purchase: Contact the designer by . |
Jenga Block
Designer: Haym Hirsh
Goal: Place all the pieces so they fit inside the box. Materials: Jenga blocks, barn wood
Classification: Interlocking Solid
Designer: Haym Hirsh
Goal: Take the puzzle apart into its four pieces, mix them up, then reassemble them back into a cube. Materials: Jenga blocks
Classification: Interlocking Solid
Jewel Thief
Designer: Jon Keegan
- Use thimble cipher and coded message to unlock combination lock.
- Free the jewel thief
- Retrieve the jewel
Materials: Aluminum, brass, steel, acrylic
Classification: Take-apart
Purchase: Contact the designer by . |
Jigsaw Puzzle 29
Designer: Yuu Asaka
Goal: Put all the pieces into the frame. Materials: Acrylic
Classification: Put-together
Purchase: Contact the designer on Facebook. |
Designer: Laszlo Molnar
Goal: Put the pieces together into a cubic shape. Materials: Ziricote , brass
Classification: 1.2 3-D assembly
Purchase: Available at WoodWonders. |
Loopy Lattice Puzzles
Designer: Namick Salakhov
Goal: Release the looped rope from the lattice or branch, and then embed it into the start position
Lattice: the deepest compartments indicated by red pointers
Branch: the root compartment in the top end Materials: Vinyl, rope with clasp
Classification: 4.3 String puzzles, 5.6 Miscellaneous sequential movement
Purchase: Contact the designer by . |
Designer: Osanori Yamamoto
Goal: Assemble two pieces fully inside the frame. Materials: Wood
Classification: Interlocking
Magnetic Madness
Designer: Jerry McFarland
- Remove the key piece
- Rescue (remove) princess figure from inside of puzzle
Materials: Wood, magnets, metal pins
Classification: Interlocking
Designer: Volker Latussek
Goal: Weave the stripes to a 4x4 grid. Materials: Horween shell, cordovan, and brass
Classification: Interlocking
Purchase: Order from Ross & Rind
or by . |
Mini Lock
Designer: Christoph Lohe
Goal: Remove the blocks and shackle from the frame, and return the pieces to the starting position. Materials: Ash, purpleheart
Classification: Interlocking
Designer: Jerry Loo
Goal: Fold the handkerchief into a square, with 1-2 (in order) on on side, and 3-4 (in order) on the other. Both sides of the handkerchief can be used, but all the numbers must be right side up. Materials: Polyester
Classification: Folding
Purchase: Available at JL Puzzles.
Price per piece US$24.95 plus S&H. |
Mobius Ring
Designer: Aaron Wang
Goal: Remove the rope and ring. Materials: Metal, rope
Classification: Topological disentanglement
Purchase: Contact the designer by .
Price: $16/pc. |
Mobius Triangles 540
Designer: Noboru Hayashi
Goal: Disentangle the two parts. Materials: Bronze, stainless steel
Classification: Disentanglement
Notes: Steel piece has a straight gap; bronze piece has none. |
Nail S&S
Designer: Noboru Hayashi
Goal: Disentangle the two parts. Materials: Steel nails
Classification: Disentanglement
Nail Trinity
Designer: Noboru Hayashi
Goal: Disentargle the three parts. Materials: Steel nails
Classification: Disentanglement
Nosey Puzzle
Designer: Alexander E Holroyd
Goal: Fit all nine pieces flat in the tray without overlaps. Materials: Acrylic
Classification: Slocum 1.1
Purchase: Contact the designer by or at Anteater Toys.
Limited quantity available, US$25. |
Pack 012
Designer: Osanori Yamamoto
Goal: Build the apparent 3x3x2 block into the box. Materials: Wood and MDF (color print)
Classification: Interlocking
Designer: MINE (Mineyuki Uyematsu) & Koichi Miura
Goal: Put the four pieces into the case (pocket) completely. Materials: Acrylic
Classification: Put-together, sliding pieces
Purchase: Available ONLY in Japan at PUZZLE of MINE * WEB-SHOP.
But the timing of sale is undecided. |
Pushbutton Burr
Designer: Ken Irvine
Goal: Disassemble and reassemble. Push the buttons to start the disassembly process. Materials: Canarywood and Indian rosewood
Classification: Interlocking (geometric object) |
Quadrupled Quadlooplet
Designer: Namick Salakhov and Davud Salahov
- Start with the looped rope threaded through adjacent holes of the core plate. Release the rope, and then return it to the starting position.
- Start with the looped rope threaded through opposite holes of the core plate. Release the rope, and then return it to the starting position.
Materials: Vinyl, rope with clasp
Classification: 4.3 String puzzles, 5.6 Miscellaneous sequential movement
Notes: Unscrew the clasp in the rope to change the starting position for the two goals. Purchase: Contact the designer by . |
Quartet Box
Designer: Junichi Yananose
Goal: Open the box. Materials: Hardwood and metal
Classification: 2.1 Trick or secret opening box
Purchase: Available at Pluredro. |
RDS Interlock
Designer: John and Jane Kostick
Goal: There are three types of puzzle pieces (Receivers (R) are composed of five sticks, Standard pieces (D) are composed of four sticks, Sliders (S) are composed of three sticks) and multiple challenges. Assemble 12 pieces around a rhombic dodecahedron:
- Use 4 R's, 4 D's, and 4 S's (11 solutions)
- Use 3 R's, 6 D's, and 3 S's (14 solutions)
- Use 2 R's, 8 D's, and 2 S's (3 solutions)
Materials: Wood (bubinga, white oak, zircote)
Classification: interlocking
Purchase: Order from
or by . |
Designer: Laszlo Molnar
Goal: Put the pieces fully inside the box, without touching them inside the box.
Materials: Acrylic, exotic wood
Classification: put-together, dexterity
Purchase: Available at Mr Puzzle Australia. |
Rota Cube
Designer: Lucie Pauwels
Goal: Take apart and assemble. Materials: Wood
Classification: 3.2 Interlocking geometric object
Sewing Box
Designer: Diniar Namdarian
Goal: Take the pieces apart and put them back together. Materials: ABS, PLA
Classification: 2.1 Slocum
Purchase: Contact the designer by .
Puzzle will cost 15 Euros. |
Siamese Snails
Designer: Andrei Ivanov
Goal: Take apart and put together. Materials: Stainless steel and glass
Classification: Interlocking solid
Purchase: Available at Metallofactura. |
Six Mix
Designer: Sam Cornwell
Goal: Starting from the arrangement shown:
- Slide chains to make an inner orange circle.
- Slide chains to make an inner black circle.
- Make one color inner circle with outer colors sorted.
Materials: Recycled wood and hardboard
Classification: 5.3 2D sliding block
Slideways Cube
Designer: Ray Stanton and Lee Krasnow
Goal: Disassemble and reassemble. Materials: Aluminum, stainless, bronze matrix, maple, ebony
Classification: interlocking coordinate motion
Purchase: Available at pacificpuzzleworks (Etsy).
Limited edition of 85 produced, $750 each. |
Symmetry 2345
Designer: Frederic Boucher
Goal: You have four double-sided pieces from 2-5 units. For each possible group of three pieces, and using all four pieces, make a symmetrical shapes. The position and orientation of the triangle marks must also be symmetrical (8 solutions in all). Materials: MDF
Classification: 2D assembly
Notes: The position and orientation of the triangles are different on opposite sides of the pieces. Purchase: In Japan, order from; outside Japan, contact designer by . |
T Cube
Designer: Yael Friedman
Goal: Arrange the hinged parts on the magnetic cube so that they will completely cover it. Materials: 3D printed PETG, magnets, steel plate
Classification: ASS-STRA
The Tao
Designer: Kim Klobucher
Goal: Move various sections of the box in the correct sequence until a piece can be removed to open the box. Materials: Resin infused douglas fir, brass inlay with bois de rose
Classification: Slocum 2 Take-apart
10 Balls 1 Cup
Designer: Chris Enright
Goal: Completely fit all 10 balls into the cup so that no balls are above the top surface of cup (demonstrate this by then turning the cup upside-down on flat surface showing it is stable and does not teeter on the three supports). Materials: Delrin and ABS plastic, and nylon rope
Classification: ASS-OTH
Three Cubes
Designer: Ichiro Kohno
Goal: Construct three cubes with three pieces. Materials: Nutmeg wood, magnets
Classification: Put-Together
Purchase: Contact the designer by . |
TicTac's Tactics
Designer: Eric Harshbarger
Goal: Arrange the hinged tiles into a 3x3 square to form each of the four possible winning tic-tac-toe configurations:
- Gold X's
- Silver X's
- Gold O's
- Silver O's
Materials: 3D-printed PLA plastic
Classification: Hinged, manipulation
Transpa Color Wheel
Designer: Dmitry Andreev
Goal: Slide the pieces to transform the puzzle between two states:
- All four petals of each circle are of the same color
- All four petals of each circle are of different colors.
Materials: Transparent and colored acrylic
Classification: 5.3 3D sliding piece
Purchase: Available at Pluton23 (Etsy). |
Designer: Kyoo Wong
Goal: Take apart and reassemble. Each each piece interlocks with two other pieces via an organic design. Materials: Zinc alloy
Classification: Take-apart
Notes: There are numerous ways of assembling. Purchase: Contact the designer by . |
Designer: Carl Hoff and Bram Cohen
Goal: Mix up and restore the puzzle to the solved state. In the solved state each face is a solid color. There should also be two complete circles formed from cutouts in the tiles on each face (except for white). These circles allow the puzzle to be super solved. Materials: ABS (FDM)
Classification: Sequential Movement - 5.4 Rotating piece puzzles
Purchase: Available at Chewie's Custom Stickers, for $150. |
Turf in Box
Designer: Koichi Miura
Goal: Pack the five pieces into the box. Materials: Acrylic, MDF
Classification: Put-together
Purchase: Available ONLY in Japan at PUZZLE of MINE * WEB-SHOP.
But the timing of sale is undecided. |
Designer: Norbert Galla
Goal: Make a symmetric shape with the three pieces. Materials: Pink ivory
Classification: 2D assembly
Wasp Coaster
Designer: Carl Hoff
Goal: Assemble the six interlocking bands into a coaster where all six bands lie flat on the table. Materials: Polished brass
Classification: 1.3 Miscellaneous put-together
Purchase: Available at Shapeways, in a variety of materials. |
Designer: Rod Bogart
Goal: Take apart the linked rings into four identical pieces, then put them back together. Materials: 3D-printed nylon plastic
Classification: 3.6
Designer: Frederic Boucher
Goal: Pack the five X-shaped pieces inside the cage. Materials: Wood, acrylic
Classification: Put-together
Purchase: Available at Cubicdissection. |
XOteric 2
Designer: Carl Hoff
Goal: Mix up and restore the cube to the solved state. In the solved state each face is a solid color aside from the super-stickers/aches indicating the color of the adjacent face neighboring each circle piece. Materials: Polyamide (SLS), ABS (FDM), laser-cut acrylic
Classification: Sequential Movement - 5.4 rotating pieces
Purchase: Contact the designer by if you are interested in a finished puzzle. |