The following is a summary of the 60 entries in the 2015 competition (click on images for larger photos). All designs are copyrighted and are the
intellectual property of the designer. All rights are reserved.
All Right - All Wrong
Designer: Lucie Pauwels
Goal: Arrange the pieces in four 4x4 squares, base square pieces with no holes, second layer with small holes, third layer with medium holes, and top layer with large holes. Two challenges:
- Match all the colors in each small square
- Four different colors in each small square
Materials: MDF
Classification: 3D Assembly |
Designer: Yasuhiro Hashimoto
Goal: Disassemble and reassemble the 3×3×3 cube. Materials: Beechwood, metal
Classification: Interlocking
Purchase: Available ONLY in Japan at PUZZLE of MINE * WEB-SHOP.
Designer: Frederic Boucher
Goal: Two challenges:
- Put the brass rod and the five wooden pieces flat into the tray.
- First, insert the brass rod in the hole. Then, put the five wooden pieces flat into the tray.
Materials: Brass, wood (padauk, ebony, cherry, maple)
Classification: Put-together
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Big Ben
Designer: John Moores, Junichi Yananose & Brian Young
Goal: Find Big Ben (a small bell). Along the way you will also find Queen Elizabeth's crown (small disk) and other useful objects. Reassembling the puzzle correctly (including setting the clocks to 9 o'clock) is part of the challenge. Materials: Papua New Guinean Rosewood
Classification: 2.1 Trick or Secret Opening
Notes: Use only the tools you find inside the puzzle.There are magnets and springs in the puzzle, but you do not need to hit this puzzle to release any locks.
Purchase: The puzzle may be purchased from Mr Puzzle Australia’s website and shipped worldwide. Limited numbers only available.
Big Conflict, Small Conflict
Designer: Hajime Katsumoto
Goal: Fit all six pieces into the square frame without conflict. Materials: Acrylic
Classification: 2D assembly puzzle
Notes: No undue force is required.
Binary Pin Burr
Designer: Jerry McFarland
Goal: Remove the key piece by moving pieces that represent the binary bits 1 to 4. Materials: Bloodwood, jatoba, ebony, metal pins
Classification: Interlocking
Notes: The 4 bit pieces need to be moved in a binary numerical sequence (not Gray code).
Corner Latch Cube
Designer: Vladimir Yaroslavskiy
Goal: Scramble and then restore all faces, like Rubik's Cube but with restricted movement, as indicated by the arrows on the corners. Materials: Plastic
Classification: 5.4. Rotational
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Cracked! (Plato's Egg)
Designer: Richard Gain
Goal: Crack Plato's egg into its constituent parts (shell, white, yolk), then put it back together again. Materials: 3D-printed PLA
Classification: Interlocking
Notes: Each of the three stages requires a degree of coordinate motion.
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Designer: MINE (Mineyuki Uyematsu)
Goal: Take the coin out. Materials: Acrylic, metal
Classification: Secret opening box
Purchase: Available ONLY in Japan at PUZZLE of MINE * WEB-SHOP.
Designer: Kel Snake (Kelly Snache)
Goal: Open the puzzle box without touching the very sensitive lid. Materials: Curly maple, walnut, purpleheart, lacewood, holly
Classification: Puzzle Box
Purchase: There will be one copy available after IPP; retail Price $400 CDN.
Contact the designer by
Designer: Masumi Ohno
Goal: Separate the ring from the cube and return it to the starting position (as shown). Materials: Ebony, wenge, padauk
Classification: Disentanglement Puzzle
Devilish Dice
Designer: Stephen Miller
Goal: Drop the ball bearing into the "one" hole and then try and extract it from the inner cage and then out through the semi-visible maze, as it visits each and every spot on the dice before it escapes. Materials: 3D-printed ABS, magnets and a steel ball bearing
Classification: Route Finding
Purchase: Available at Pyro Puzzles Website.
Rough printed version can be purchased for £35 + VAT (where appropriate).
Deluxe, gloss finished, printed and boxed version can be purchased for £60 + VAT (where appropriate).
DIY 6 Color Cube
Designer: Lucie Pauwels
Goal: Place all the 36 stickers on the blocks so that you can build all of the following 3x3x3 cubes with the blocks, each of which is white, with:
- A red dot in the center square of each face
- An orange dot in the center square of each face
- A yellow dot in the center square of each face
- A green dot in the center square of each face
- A blue dot in the center square of each face
- A black dot in the centre square of each face
- A different coloured dot in the center square of each face
- No colored dots visible anywhere.
Materials: Wood, sticker sheet, vinyl stickers
Classification: 3D Assembly
Dot Box
Designer: James Dalgety
Goal: Three problems:
- Open it
- Close it
- Explain it
Materials: ABS Plastic, neodymium, and brass
Classification: 2.1 Open Box / OPN-BOX
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Double Circle Real 5x5x5
Designer: Carl Hoff
Goal: Solve the 5x5x5 cube, where all 125 cubies have a unique position and orientation in the solved state. Materials: Laser sintered nylon, screws, and vinyl stickers
Classification: 5.4 Rotating cube puzzles (3D-Rubik’s cube, etc.)
Notes: A normal 5x5x5 cube only has 98 solvable (surface) cubies.
Purchase: The puzzle is 3D printed on demand, and can be purchased from Shapeways for $1,163.98 or contact designer by for an already dyed, assembled, and stickered puzzle.
Double Slideways Burr
Designer: Raymond Stanton
Goal: Take apart and put it back together again. Materials: Black walnut, mahogany, and maple
Classification: Slocum 3.4
Double Symmetry
Designer: Lucie Pauwels
Goal: This is a double sided puzzle. Place the blocks in the square box with all the black dots on one side and all the red dots on the reverse, and symmetric patterns simultaneously on both sides. There is a second identical challenge with orange and blue dots. Materials: Wood
Classification: Assembly
Dress Code
Designer: Pantazis C. Houlis
Goal: Dress the wooden cube by only using the two fabric bands, such that each side of the cube is a single color, and no neighboring sides have the same color. Materials: Wood and fabric
Classification: Pattern Matching
Notes: This puzzle is dedicated to my precious dad, who passed away on the 21st of May 2015.
Edelweiss Puzzle Box
Designer: Robert Yarger / William Waite
Goal: Open both compartments of puzzle box by arranging puzzle pieces to produce both a flower and a snowflake. Materials: Walnut / Maple Woods
Classification: Put Together
Purchase: Limited edition of 100. Puzzles available at
Ze Eggs!
Designer: Stephen Chin
Goal: Open the large egg. Inside you will find the Balancing Egg For Dummies--it balances on both ends! Your challenge is to un-balance it. Materials: Colored pencils, magnets, pins, electronics
Classification: Slocum 2.1 and 6.4
8 Stars Labyrinth
Designer: Robrecht Louage
Goal: Insert then remove the ball. Materials: Trespa, steel ball, polycarbonate
Classification: Routefinding puzzle
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Eurofallen 04
Designer: Jurgen Reiche
Goal: Free the Euro coin. Materials: Bubinga, acrylics, MDF
Classification: 2.1 Trick or Secret opening puzzle
Purchase: Available at
Every Which Way
Designer: Roy Leban
Goal: Arrange the cubes in a row so that all four long sides have an arrowhead pointing in each of the four directions. Materials: Cherry wood
Classification: 1.3 Miscellaneous put-together
Purchase: Not currently available for sale. Contact the designer by
to be notified if more are manufactured.
Festival in Ottawa
Designer: Osanori Yamamoto
- Put six pieces into the rectangle(6x4) on the left, all through the entrance gate. After entering, only sliding is permitted.
- Put six pieces into the box on the right.
Materials: Wood and MDF
Classification: Put-together, Sliding pieces
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Designer: Stephen Miller
Goal: Open the puzzle and enjoy what you find inside. Materials: Anodised aluminium
Classification: Route Finding / Opening / Seqiential Movement
Notes: The solution page includes 10 crucial hints for solving the puzzle.
Purchase: Can be purchased from the Pyro Puzzles website.
£150 + VAT (where appropriate).
Initial production run of 150 units.
4 Ducks & A Duckling
Designer: Jerry Loo
Goal: Three problems:
- Fit all 4 ducks into the pond
- Fit all 4 ducks and the duckling into the pond
- Fit all 4 ducks into the pond to form a symmetrical shape
Materials: ABS resin
Classification: 2D Packing
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Designer: Yasuhiro Hashimoto
Goal: Pack the 4 L-shaped pieces into the box. Materials: Wood (walnut, beech), acrylic board
Classification: 3-Dimensional assembly
Purchase: Available ONLY in Japan at PUZZLE of MINE * WEB-SHOP.
Framed Non-Planar Symmetric Hexacubes
Designer: Primitivo Familiar Ramos
Goal: Select a set of pieces (out of 148 possible), and place the pieces inside the light box. Materials: Wood
Classification: 1.2. 3-Dimensional assembly
Notes: All pieces have mirror symmetry
Purchase: Available at
Heptagon 40 (Heptagon Series No.2)
Designer: Koshi Arai
- Put the two sets of five tetrahepts (total 40 heptagons) into the tray.
- Find the solution with all dark surfaces (two solutions)
Materials: Wood
Classification: Put together
Notes: There are two types of the regular heptagon tiling with pentagonal space; this puzzles is based on one of those.
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Designer: Oskar van Deventer, Mr. Fok
Goal: Scramble and solve, like any twisty puzzle. Try the special shapeshifting "jumbling" moves. Materials: Injection-molded plastic
Classification: 5.6 Misc. sequential movement / 8 SEQ-OTH
Purchase: Available at
Igayaki Pottery Puzzle
Designer: Kohno Ichiro
Goal: Pull the Kunai (Ninja's sword) from the scroll. Materials: Ceramic, wood
Classification: Disentanglement
Notes: An outside object is needed to solve the puzzle.
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Liberal Cube
Designer: Markku Vesala
Goal: Assembly the seven pieces to form an interlocking 3x3x3 cube. Materials: Plastic
Classification: INT-CART
L-I-vator Cube
Designer: Laszlo Molnar
Goal: Pack the pieces into the box with restricted opening. Materials: Sapele, plywood
Classification: 1.2 3-Dimensional assembly puzzle
Notes: The pieces form a logical set: each smaller piece is formed by removing one cube from the next largest piece, from seven down to two units.
Designer: Namick Salakhov
Goal: Gather the red switches on one of the disks. Then return them to proper disks pairwise. Materials: Vinyl, polystyrene
Classification: Sequential movement
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Nose Ring
Designer: Sándor Bozóki
Goal: Two challenges:
- Remove the chain from the ring
- Loop back the chain on the ring.
Materials: Glass, rubber, metal
Classification: 4.3 Disentanglement/string puzzle
Number Blocks
Designer: Goh Pit Khiam
Goal: Rearrange the pieces to give the correct sequence 1-4. Materials: Sapele box with maple pieces and walnut numbers
Classification: Sequential movement, burr
Oh Ding!
Designer: Simon Nightingale
Goal: Open the box. Materials: Recycled mahogany and ebony
Classification: Slocum 2.1, TTrick or secret opening puzzles
Ze Orange
Designer: Stephen Chin
Goal: Navigate through the six locks and open the two compartments inside. There you will find the kids' inheretence! Materials: Wood, magnets, electronics
Classification: Slocum 2.1
Notes: Inspired by the Donay Pear, by Goddard/Berkeley.
Pair Shape
Designer: Sam Cornwell
Goal: Dismantle the cube into four separate pieces (each is a joined pair of blocks), and then re-assemble. Materials: Old mahogany, 2mm plywood, small screws
Classification: INT-OTN
Designer: Tim Snyder
Goal: Select one of the starting arrangements etched on the tray. Then move the large key piece to the opposite corner of the board. Only one piece may move at a time, and can move by any combination of sliding or rotating within the tray not blocked by stationary pieces. The piece must be in alignment with the grid at the end of the move. Materials: Acrylic
Classification: 5.3 Sequential Movement - Sliding Piece
Purchase: Contact the designer by
$35, manufactured as requested.
Designer: Eric Harshbarger
Goal: Assemble the twelve pieces into a sphere. Materials: Hand-cast urethane rubber
Classification: Put Together/Assembly
Purchase: Limited number (fewer than two dozen) available from designer. $100.00 + shipping. Contact the designer by
Pure Donuts
Designer: Eitan Cher and Bram Cohen
Goal: Disassemble into four pieces and reassemble. Materials: 3D-printed nylon
Classification: Take-Apart and Put-Together
Purchase: Will be available at Eitan's Shapeways Shop shortly after the IPP.
Designer: Goh Pit Khiam
Goal: Remove the plates from the rack and reassemble. Materials: Canarywood rack, walnut corners and pieces
Classification: Interlocking
Notes: Plates can be reconfigured to give various mixed-based puzzles.
Road Blocks
Designer: Goh Pit Khiam
Goal: Pack the four blocks into the box. Materials: Maple box with pieces from bocote, Indian rosewood, yellowheart and canarywood
Classification: Packing
Shift Happens
Designer: Oskar van Deventer, Bram Cohen
Goal: Slide the hexagonal base apart in any of the three directions and spin the gears randomly to scramble the puzzle. Then solve the puzzle and complete the ring again. Materials: 3D-printed nylon, dye, glue, stickers
Classification: 5.6 Misc. sequential movement / 8 SEQ-OTH
Purchase: Order the parts at Shapeways, or contact designer.
Designer: Gennadiy Jarkovoj
Goal: Make a symmetrical shape using the three pieces. Materials: acrylic and plastic
Classification: 1.1 2-Dim Assembly Puzzles /ASS-STRA
Designer: Jerry Loo
Goal: Re-arrange the pieces in the box to form the #9. Materials: Walnut and maple
Classification: 3.2 Interlocking Solid
Notes: The starting position is shown below; the orientation of the box cannot change.
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Designer: Albert Gübeli
Goal: Assemble and disassemble the four pieces. Materials: Wood
Classification: INT-POLY
Purchase: Available at; price $200.
Designer: Volker Latussek
Goal: Pack the SOMA cube into the box. Pick one opening or the other, then use only that one opening to solve. Materials: Samena wood
Classification: 1.2. 3-D assembly
Purchase: Order from, or contact designer by ; price: price €11.
TaiJi - 69 Puzzle
Designer: Ayi Liu
Goal: Take all pieces apart. Materials: Aluminium alloy
Classification: Take Apart / Disassemble
Purchase: You can see it at
Designer: Frederic Boucher
Goal: Assemble the pieces so that the marbles form the five different tetromino shapes--three in blue and two in yellow. Materials: Wood (Japanese beech), colored glass marbles
Classification: 1.1 2-Dimensional assembly
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Designer: Roy Leban
Goal: Arrange the three triangles flat on a surface to make a single mirror symmetric shape. Materials: Wood
Classification: 1.1 2-Dimensional assembly puzzles
Purchase: A limited run has been made so far. $20 US (includes shipping within US). Contact the designer by
Designer: Ken Irvine
Goal: Three copies of three different types of pieces assemble to form the given configuration, both with and without the
optional three-cube bonus piece. Materials: Santos rosewood and holly
Classification: Interlocking
Purchase: Available at
Twins of Triplets
Designer: Hajime Katsumoto
Goal: Make a shape using all three L pieces, and the same shape using all three J pieces. You can not flip over any pieces. Materials: Acrylic
Classification: 2D assembly puzzle
Designer: Osanori Yamamoto
Goal: Assemble two pieces at center of the double plate. Materials: Wood
Classification: Interlocking
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Designer: Stephan Baumegger
Goal: Free the maple leaf piece. Materials: Maple, bubinga
Classification: 2.1.Take-Apart Puzzles - Trick opening
Purchase: Contact the designer by
Wandering Cubes
Designer: Péter Gál
Goal: Put the two light pieces and just one of the dark pieces into the box. Materials: Wood, acrylic
Classification: 1.2. 3-Dimensional assembly
Designer: Vladimir Krasnoukhov
Goal: Pack the pieces into the tray (each side) so that no piece can move. Packing into the smaller tray can be regarded as the main challenge/objective, and packing into the larger tray as the warm-up. Materials: Acrylic plastic
Classification: Put-together Puzzle, 1.1 2-Dimensional Puzzle
Xenia Table Puzzlebox
Designer: Mike Toulouzas
Goal: Open the table top, put the discovered pieces in the center and then put everything back together. Materials: Kotibe wood, palisanter, Mexican ebony
Classification: Discovery, opening
Designer: Iwahiro (Hirokazu Iwasawa)
Goal: Two challenges:
- Close (only) the red zipper completely with one or two sliders.
- Close all the zippers completely with one or two sliders.
Materials: Plastic zippers
Classification: Miscellaneous put-together