This seven-piece puzzle became popular around 1800 in China and by 1820, in Europe and the United States. It has remained on the market by one manufacturer or another ever since. In the 1890's, the German firm Richter, known for their Anchor Stone Building Sets, started a line of dissection puzzles with a Tangram set. They called it Der Kopfzerbrecher which translates to "The Head Cracker". These puzzles are very collectable today. The company ceased production in 1963, but was recently restarted and they are once again producing the build sets and the Tangram set and The Egg Of Columbus set. There are plans to produce others.
The middle photograph is a set of Chinese candy dishes made in the 19th century from pottery and glazed on the top surface only.
The bottom photograph is a set of miniature tangram tables (12x12x6 inches) made by The Suzhou Laquerware Carving Factory in China.
 | More information in The Puzzling World of Polyhedral Dissections |