Puzzle Designers and Craftsmen

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This page does not attempt to include all puzzle designers and craftsmen. For example, Enro Rubik is omitted because of the focus on handcrafted puzzles. Most have puzzles for sale. Puzzles by other designers and craftsmen can be located using the Search page. If you think you should appear on this page, let me know.

John BerkeleyHas puzzles for sale
Miguel BerrocalMany of his puzzle sculptures are still available, especially on eBay
Allan BoardmanHas miniature puzzles for sale
Bart BuieCurrently not making puzzles for sale
Stewart CoffinNo longer selling puzzles
Bill CutlerHas puzzles for sale
Wayne DanielOccasionally has puzzles for sale
Philippe DuboisAvailability of his puzzles is sporadic and through friends
Harry EngDeceased
Viktor GenelHas puzzles for sale
Walter HoppeHas puzzles for sale
Interlocking PuzzlesNo longer in business
IzumiyaHas a web site and store in Hakone, Japan
Hiroshi IwaharaHas puzzles for sale in Japan
Rick IrbyHas puzzles for sale
Akio KameiHas puzzles for sale in Japan
Lee KrasnowNo puzzles for sale at this time
Tom LenschHas puzzles for sale and will make to order
Mark McCallumHas puzzles for sale and will make to order
Jerry McFarlandHas puzzles for sale
Yoshiyuki NinomiyaOccasionally has Puzzle boxes for sale in Japan
Yoshio OkiyamaSome of his puzzles are atill occasionally for sale in Japan
John RauschNo longer making puzzles for sale
William StrijbosHas puzzles for sale
Michael ToulouzasSome of his puzzles are for sale
Oskar van DeventerHis puzzles are for sale by Tom Lensch and Shapeways
William WaiteMany of his puzzles are for sale at Puzzle Mist
Trevor WoodNo longer making puzzles
Nob YoshigaharaHas puzzles for sale in Japan - Died in 2003.
Brian YoungHas a web site and stores in Australia


Puzzle World ©1997-2024 by John Rausch
For questions or comments regarding this site, contact the chief metagrobologist: